Hey, Everyone! I'm in a show called CROWNS by Regina Taylor. It is directed by the legend Chuck Smith of the Goodman Theatre. The show is produced by MPAACT (Ma'at Production Association of Afrikan Centered Theatre). If you love the Black experience, come see the show. If you love Gospel music, come see the show. If you love church hats, come see the show. If you want to see a show with a cast of majority women, come see the show. If you want to hear me sing and see me dance, come see the show...and wear your best church hat.
There are only two chances to see this wonderful show: Saturday, November 16 & and Sunday, November 17. Click the following link to buy tickets now: https://www.govst.edu/About/Center_for_Performing_Arts/All_Events_by_Date/Crowns-_A_Gospel_Musical/
